2024 Senior Services Alliance

2024 Senior Services Alliance

Julie Chambliss
Chair Lakeshore Assisted Living & Memory Care, Director of Sales and Marketing
Kendra McMurray
Vice Chair Right at Home, Marketing Manager
At Right at Home Rockwall, we're dedicated to being much more than a simple home care company. We are a navigator of what comes next for seniors an...
Stephanie Edmunds
Secretary Three Oaks Hospice
Bailey Lombard
Communications Spine Team Texas
Chandrice Wall
Programming Royse City Medical Lodge
Beverly Wilson
Staff Advisor Rockwall Area Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Center, Partnership Development Manager
Maureen Cook
Meals on Wheels Senior Services
Caitlin Coppler
Villa Teresa, Founder, President
Cory Dentler
City Of Rockwall, Recreation Superintendent
Suzanne Duvall
Heritage Hill Home for Seniors, LLC, Director of Resident Outreach
Sherri Faulk
STAR Transit, SSA Rep
Lyndsey Fisher
Rest Haven Funeral Home & Memorial Park, Family Services Counselor
Lyndsey Fisher
Rest Haven Funeral Home & Memorial Park
Stephanie Goff
Verity Benefits Group, Owner/Agent
Verity Benefits Group is a health and life insurance agency offering assistance for individual/family and small group health insurance.  We work cl...
Lupe Gonzales
Gonzales Life & Health Solutions, Owner/Independent Agent
U. S. Marine Corps, Ret., Lupe is married to Diane Treviño Gonzales, also of Brownsville, Texas. They have 4 grown children, active members of Our ...
Antoinette Greenlee
Lolly & Pop's Medical Supply and Rental, Owner
Simon Guillory
United Family Solution
Deanna Handy
Deanna Handy, eXp Realty, Realtor
Chad Higbee
Hope Health Care, Founder / Managing Partner
Joelle Hinds
Morgan Stanley
Mary Johnson
Housewarmers of Rockwall County, Main Contact/Billing
Lesli Y. Johnson
Rest Haven Funeral Home & Memorial Park, Managing Partner
Jennifer Johnson
b1BANK, Commercial Loan Assistant
Greg Johnson
Sachet, Co-Owner
Amandita Johnson
Care Patrol
Rachel Jordan
Rock Ridge Assisted Living and Memory Care
Blair Kaiser
Amity Hospice, Clinical Liaison
Wendi Kissane
Remarkable Hospice
Brittney Kreymer-Austin
Clear Path Home Care, Director of Business Development
Yolanda Lawler
The Way To Aging, Owner
I am passionate about helping the elderly and their families navigate the complicated journey of aging. During my studies at Cal State University...
Gunnar Ledermann
Divine Peace Church Rockwall, Pastor
I love Rockwall; the Downtown, the Harbor and food scene are blessings, but the people make this place home. Working with local non-profits like ...
Stephanie Lewis
Centric Home Health & Hospice
Michael Lund
Lund Life Transitions
Damon Matusz
Eric McShannon
McShannon Insurance Plus, Owner
Father of two girls. Licensed local Medicare agent, helping senors understand their medicare options.
Mike Mishler
Mishler Builders, Inc., President
Haley Moore
Rock Ridge Assisted Living and Memory Care, Acct Payable
Wiley Murray
Amada Senior Care Garland, Owner
Telise and Wiley Murray, owners of Amada Senior Care Garland, know from personal experience how difficult it can be for families to find exceptio...
Barbara Myers
Elara Caring
Lori Nesler
Comfort Keepers Home Care, Owner
Carol Otto
Medicare Coach Carol, Independent Licensed Ins Broker - Medicare Coach Carol
Need to enroll in Medicare coverage?  I help to folks who are confused about their Medicare decisions. As an independent licensed insurance broke...
Shannon Peterson
Orthopaedic Specialists of Dallas, Director of Marketing
Clint Poncy
AvilaCare Senior Living Heath, Director
Kim Pryor
TheKey (Formerly Home Care Assistance), Manager
Ivett Sage
Broadmoor Medical Lodge, Marketing Director
Jamie Simmons
Rest Haven Funeral Home & Memorial Park, Family Service
Tyler Stearns
Rock Ridge Assisted Living and Memory Care, Director Of Sales
Diane Stegall
Modern Woodmen Fraternal Financial, Agent
I worked in public education for 35 years with the last 10 being superintendent of Chisum ISD.  Following my retirement, I changed my career path t...
Diane Stegall, FIC, CFFM
Modern Woodmen Fraternal Financial - Diane Stegall, Financial Rep
Modern Woodmen is a full financial services company that has been around for 139 years with the goal of helping people.  Our services include prote...
Stephen Straughan
Straughan Team - Ebby
Jacob Taylor
Sharing Life Community Outreach, Inc, Director of Operations
Judy Vergara
Chakra Inner Peace Energy Healing, LLC, Owner
I have been in the educational field for over 20 years and hold a doctorate degree in education. I love to teach and share knowledge with others....
Brenda Villanueva
Humana, Sales
Misty Walton
Gentiva Hospice Care
Jerry Welch
Jerry Welch - Ebby Halliday
Heather Wilson
Mesquite Rehabilitation Institute, Clinical Liaison
Tina Withrow
Lisa Zangari
Caring Transitions North Dallas Suburbs

Thank you for your support

Platinum Strategic Alliance Partners

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If you have any questions or just want to share feedback with us, please reach out today. 

Rockwall Area Chamber

697 E I-30, Rockwall, TX 75087


Call us anytime M-F from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM