City Of Fate
City Of Fate

9:00 to 5:00
Driving Directions:
Head northeast on I-30 frontage Rd and turn left at the light onto S. William E Crawford Ave, take a left at the stop sign at E. Fate Main Pl and park Old Town Collective building will be on the lef.t
About Us
The City of Fate is one of the fastest growing cities in the State of Texas. Located in the heart of Rockwall County, the wealthiest county in the State, the City of Fate is looking for a variety of development types to meet the needs of its 24,000+ residents.
The City of Fate boasts over 700 acres of available land situated along the Interstate 30 corridor. There are additional properties in Downtown Fate, along Highway 66, and throughout the City as well, perfect for projects both large and small.
Video Media
- Fate Economic Development
- Fate Community Development

City Hall - 1900 CD Boren Parkway

Chamberlain Crossing Neighborhood - Rockwall ISD

TexCo Resin - Local Business in Fate

TexCo Resin - Local Business in Fate (2)

Billie Stevenson Elementary - Rockwall ISD

Fate Department of Public Safety

Williamsburg Neighborhood - Rockwall ISD

Williamsburg Neighborhood Amenity Center - Rockwall ISD

Celebrate Fate 2016
Celebrate Fate 2016 (2)
Rep/Contact Info
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Platinum Strategic Alliance Partners
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Contact Us for More Information
If you have any questions or just want to share feedback with us, please reach out today.
Rockwall Area Chamber
697 E I-30, Rockwall, TX 75087
Call us anytime M-F from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM